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/ MacWorld 1996 April / Macworld (1996-04).dmg / Shareware World / Utilities / Utilities

Jump To: Directory (176)  |  Archive (5)  |  Other (13)

Directories (176)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
"BOB" patch2   3D Buttons 1.3 ƒ2   4-Matter v1.6.0 ƒ6
Add Up Lite ƒ2   Addiction Manager ƒ3   AEDM1.0f2
Alias Reveal 1.0 ƒ2   AliasMenu1.1 folder2   AMICO 1.12
Apple Menu Options patch 1.32   AtariVDEdit folder3   Aurora3.42
Basic Blackƒ.13   Bat6   BigSecret 3.05
Binary Pump2.14 Folder8   BootBlocker3   Burn 2.25
CacheBGone! ƒ2   Castle Quest™3   CatFinder v1.62 folder3
CD Coyote 2.1.1 Folder2   CD Menu 1.3.2 ƒ2   CD206upd2
ChangeMaker 2.0 Folder2   CheckFOpen 1.1.22   Checksum 1.3 6
ClickChange-E2   ClipFilerFKEY v1.32   Clipfolio ƒ5
Close It! ƒ3   Clouds 2.0.13   Collager 1.0.14
Control Strip Menu 2.36   Control Strip Menu 2.3.16   Copland-WDEF-1.0d132
CopyPaste 2.5.44   CopyRight-IT folder3   CopyThru ƒ2
Create Suitcases (1.0)2   Creator Changer 2.55   CryptDisk Demo2
CustomMenus-1.0.1J folder6   DeAL! 1.3 folder2   Default Folder 2.5.75
DepthChange5   Desktop Textures Suite2   Dialog View folder3
Disk Charmer 2.4.43   DiskDup+ Folder4   Disklosure 1.3.22
DiskSweeper1.0 folder2   DividerLines 1.04   DocJet 1.2.02
DragPack 1.08   Drive Monitor ƒ2   Drop•Attribute 2.0.0 ƒ4
DropConversion3   DropPath Release2   eXpress folder2
Extension List Folder2   Eyes^3 1.03   FaberQuencer 1.0.2 4
Fat Cursors v1.2.1 ƒ3   File Buddy4   Filelock 1.3.02
FileRecorder 1.03 folder2   FileT&C 2.0.02   FilterTop Promo6
Find Stuff ƒ2   Finder Long Names 1.03   FindFile Chooser 1.0 folder3
Fix Icons folder4   Flush all disks (Excel)3   Folder Icon Cleaner 2.0 folder4
folder-compare-10b61   Forward Delete 1.1.4 folder2   Gauge Series7
Get More Info 1.52   GolfMeister4   GURU v1.23
GX Desk Pattern folder5   HideFolders 2.0 ƒ2   HIghlander Icons Group II23
HoverBar 1.2.76   HQXer 1.1 folder3   Icon Collector 1.1.1 ƒ4
Iconizer ƒ22   IconMania!-E 1.02 ƒ5   IconWrap II 1.25
InstallerMaker 2.0.22   jays-complex-textures1   JoinFiles 1.0.1 ƒ2
Key Holder 1.0.22   Key Holder 1.0.2 ƒ2   Keyboard Extender 2.0.33
KillFinderZooms 1.4 ƒ2   LaunchTime v1.02   Mac Identifier 2.03
Mac Identifier 2.0 ƒ3   MacEyes Folder2   MacLogin Distribution6
MaxRAM 1.6 folder4   MBarClock 2.0B5   MediaSizer 1.3.2 FAT2
Monitors FKEY2   Mt. Everything Folder3   NameCleaner 1.14
New Venus PPC19   NIBS-2.1 folder3   NoEject V 1.12
NoEject v1.02   oneclickers10b35   OtherMenu folder6
ow166   Pick-A-Winner Folder3   PicSort1.0b2
PowerBar Pro 2.0.1 Update3   PowerReplace40 Folder6   PowerScan-2.0.7 Folder6
Program Switcher v3.3.04   Quick Depth 1.02   QuickDelete 2
QuickPop (2.0) Folder5   Quitter 1.0b32   RaceVIEW folder2
RAM Disk Iconer 1.1 ƒ3   RAM Disk Iconer 1.1 ƒ.13   ramBunctious 1.0 ƒ4
RamDisk Folder2   ResSwitcher 1.0 ƒ5   Retrospect 2.1 Updater2
Running Lights Cursor4   ScreenMode folder2   SendBackWindow-FKEY Folder4
Serenity™ 1.5 Folder7   ShowSizes 2.2.32   SimpleWave 1.0A Folder8
SmartFolder 1.12   Snapshotter1.0b3 Folder2   Sound Manager 3.13
Sound_Input_Strip folder2   Square One® 3.04   SS2
StartupFrills v3.4.43   Stickies Color Editor 1.0 ƒ2   Stickies Color menu ƒ2
StopWatch1.31 Folder3   Stripper ƒ2   stuffit-deluxe-352-frontier1
Submission- RAMGauge 1.3 folder3   Substitute 1.6.04   Super Comments 2.0.7 ƒ3
Super Ruler.12   Super Save v1.1.2 ƒ4   SuperClip 1.7.13
Suprise Me v1.05   Synk1.0.6 Folder5   tech-tool-1091
The Cloak2   The Typeist ƒ2   TitlePop 2.4.1 ƒ2
TM405.bin5   Touch Folder2   Trash It! 3.5.13
TrashPkr folder2   Tweener 1.25   Type Fixer Folder4
TypeEditƒ2   UCSD Folder2   UltraFind 2.1 folder5
UpToDate 1.1.2P Folder2   Virtual.1.2.47   Window Juggler 1.3.2 folder2
Yooz 1.55 US4   Zipple Kayaker2

Archives (5)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Cindy's Hyper Finder Mac Compact Pro Archive 2 55KB 1996-01-22
Icon↵ MacBinary 1 3KB 1995-10-21
uu-lite-20.hqx BinHex 1 282KB 1996-02-16
YesNoCancel MacBinary 1 17KB 1995-09-20
ZoomBar MacBinary 1 75KB 1995-04-06

Other Files (13)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
ADT 1.0 -> 1.0.1 Update MacOS Executable 2 468KB 1996-02-15
DragStrip™ 2.0.1 Upd Installer MacOS Executable 2 415KB 1996-02-15
DropStuff w⁄EE™ 3.5.2 Installer MacOS Executable 2 395KB 1996-02-09
FileSplitter MacOS Executable 1 148KB 1995-10-22
Garbage Collector MacOS Executable 1 45KB 1993-12-05
KDT Classic™ 1.0 Installer MacOS Executable 2 254KB 1996-01-31
Mpack 1.5 MacOS Executable 1 107KB 1995-02-17
Remove Alias MacOS Executable 1 22KB 1995-11-28
RoboFinder 1.3 MacOS Executable 1 111KB 1993-07-26
StuffIt Expander™ 3.5.2 Install MacOS Executable 2 142KB 1996-02-16
SuperDuper MacOS Executable 1 144KB 1995-07-29
SuperLock 3.0 Install MacOS Executable 2 262KB 1995-04-30
UnlockFolder MacOS Executable 1 75KB 1993-05-03